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How to help

Many opportunities to help support the horses and the work that they do. Many of the horses find forever homes once they are healthy enough. Other horses help humans find health and healing, being part of Equine Assisted Learning/Coaching team.

Jensen Life Coaching is horse farm based in Sunnyside, WA that supports the rescue and rehabilitation of abandoned and discarded horses for the purpose of therapy and education for at-risk and low-income populations in Washington State. ​​


Jensen Life Coaching also offers workshops, classes and Equine Assisted Learning individual sessions on zoom

Led by director and owner Betty Jensen of Jensen Life Coaching

Betty Jensen


BA Psychology, University of Phoenix 2009

  • MS Ecopsychology, Project Nature Connect

  • Washington State Substance Use Disorder Professional (SUDP)

  • Washington State Certified Counselor

  • Certified Elite Life Coach

  • Recovery Coach

  • Para-educator for Special Education

  • ​Served as Executive Director of a Foster Care Placing Agency, working with behaviorally challenged and alcohol/drug addicted youth, Yakima, WA​

  • 2 years as as a crisis Counselor for Sexual assault/Domestic Violence Hotline

  • Intervention & Suicide Prevention Specialist

  • EAGALA Level II Certified​​ (past)

  • OK Corral Certified​​

Betty Jensen standing in front of building





It is said that horse’s mirror our emotions, they have the ability to sense what is foremost in our agenda, emotionally and intellectually before we realize it for ourselves.


This can be either profoundly comforting or intimidating, depending on what each of us uniquely brings into the arena.  It is a place of metaphor that has direct translation to the workplace, primary relationships and into our hopes and dreams.

Lifestyle-induced illness, including eco-anxiety, calls for a different type of guidance, one that focuses not on the individual’s shortcomings and personal history or on building better daily coping skills, but on the cultural context that’s keeping us disconnected from our innate natural wisdom that would guide us in how to live a balanced and harmonious life.




Identify limiting behaviors


Clarify your greater purpose

Deeper awareness for personal challenges


Learn new strategies for living and leading


Boost your self-esteem


Establish better relationships


Create healthier relationships


What will we do?

We emphasize safety, insight and embodied learning through a series of specially designed activities with horses on the ground (no riding).  We clarify personal boundaries, align our thinking and feeling, and strengthen our capacity for heart-centered action.




Who should come?


People going through life changes in need of new perspective and meaning


Those seeking clarity about a life path tied to their unique purpose and abilities


Leaders at all levels wishing for more peace, power and presence


Anyone suffering from the excesses of modern life and in need of restoring personal balance and rhythm

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